Results for 'Aleksei Vladimirovich Borisov'

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  1.  21
    The main methods of introducing design elements and graphics in video.Aleksei Vladimirovich Borisov - 2022 - Философия И Культура 3:73-87.
    The subject of the study is the process of many aspects of audiovisual creativity that must be taken into account when creating a video. The object of the work is to create a movie trailer through the use of design elements and graphics in the video sequence. The study examines the trailer of a post-apocalyptic fantasy genre called "Genesis", in which the two main characters are depicted as opposites. The work examines and describes in detail all the stages of creating (...)
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    Historiography of the Genesis of the Pentecostal Movement: Early and Recent Research Directions in English-language Literature.Aleksei Vladimirovich Tsys - forthcoming - Philosophy and Culture (Russian Journal).
    The purpose of this article is to identify early and recent Pentecostal studies in the West and to highlight the main difference between them. Today there are more than 250 million Pentecostals in the world, and together with the charismatic movement there are more than 500 million. Having begun to spread in the 20th century, the movement claims to be the fastest growing religious phenomenon in human history. In attempts to interpret the phenomenon of the movement's growth, there have been (...)
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  3. Siloĭ idei.Alekseĭ Vladimirovich Poremskiĭ - 1961 - Frankfurt/Main: Posev.
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    (1 other version)Reply to critics.Evgeny Borisov - 2016 - Epistemology and Philosophy of Science 50 (4):59-62.
    In his reply, E. Borisov fixes the points of diversion between him and his critics and sketches the directions in which his argumentation will proceed. Among the issues mentioned are the problems of the interpretation of comparative constructions (whether they are about objects or sizes), semantic contribution of the modal operator "O" (introduced by Borisov), ways of retrospective reports of affitudes.
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    Homo polyglottus.Aleksei Semenenko - 2016 - Sign Systems Studies 44 (4):494-510.
    The semiosphere is arguably the most influential concept developed by Juri Lotman, which has been reinterpreted in a variety of ways. This paper returns to Lotman’s original “anthropocentric” understanding of semiosphere as a collective intellect/consciousness and revisits the main arguments of Lotman’s discussion of human vs. nonhuman semiosis in order to position it in the modern context of cognitive semiotics and the question of human uniqueness in particular. In contrast to the majority of works that focus on symbolic consciousness and (...)
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    (2 other versions)Problema simvola i realisticheskoe iskusstvo.Aleksei Fedorovich Losev - 1976 - Moskva: Iskusstvo. Edited by A. A. Takho-Godi.
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    Information Activity of Consciousness: On the Question of the "Carrier" of Information.Sergey Borisov - 2023 - Sotsium I Vlast 3 (97):18-29.
    The article breaks down the essence of the information approach in interpreting consciousness in the context of the relationship between the intellect and the psychophysiology of the body, on the one hand, and the relationship between “natural” and “artificial” intelligence, on the other. The article presents a critical analysis of theories and approaches on the D. Dubrovsky’s conceptual basis. The information approach is considered by the authors of the article as the most methodologically justified and productive in studying the problem (...)
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    Creating "deep philosophy" from the "spirit of ontoprojection".Sergey Borisov - 2019 - Sotsium I Vlast 5:113-122.
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    Philosophical practice during the pandemic (based on the results of the International Online Conference on Philosophical Practice ICPP 2020).Sergey Borisov - 2020 - Sotsium I Vlast 4:94-103.
    The article is an overview of the events of the International Online Conference on Philosophical Practice, which took place on July 28-31 on the electronic platform of the South Ural State University, organized by the University Department of Philosophy and the Association of Practical Philosophers “Ratio” with the support of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (project No. 20- 011-22002).
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    A phenomenological model for analysis of social representations of death.N. A. Borisov - 2017 - RUDN Journal of Philosophy 21 (4):582-591.
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  11. Absurdnite realnosti: deĭstvitelni istorii pri neobichaĭni uslovii︠a︡.Nikolaĭ Borisov - 2001 - Sofii︠a︡: Universitetsko izd-vo "Sv. Kliment Okhridski".
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    A Straight Solution to Kripke’s Problem.Evgeny V. Borisov - 2024 - Epistemology and Philosophy of Science 61 (2):23-32.
    The paper suggests a straight solution to the problem of meaning skepticism presented in Kripke’s Wittgenstein on Rules and Private Language. The solution is based on Ladov’s moderate solution to the problem. Ladov’s solution is to the effect that the total skepticism cannot be a theory because it cannot be stated without performative contradiction. This entails that only a limited skepticism is possible as a theory. I argue that the limited skepticism is compatible with the view that meaning can be (...)
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    Chelovek filosofstvui︠u︡shchiĭ: issledovanie sovremennykh modeleĭ filosofskoĭ propedevtiki.Sergeĭ Valentinovich Borisov - 2005 - Moskva: Per Sė.
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    Formirovanie nauchnogo znanii︠a︡ v sot︠s︡ialʹno-ėkonomicheskom issledovanii.Vadim Nikolaevich Borisov - 1974 - Edited by Dukhanin, Viktor Nikolaevich & [From Old Catalog].
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  15. Filosofskai︠a︡ praktika v sovremennom mire: vyzovy i otvety.S. V. Borisov - 2019 - Cheli︠a︡binsk: I︠U︡zhno-Uralʹskiĭ gosudarstvennyĭ universitet.
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  16.  27
    Hermeneutics of translation and understanding of violence.Sergey Borisov & Viktor Rimsky - 2020 - Filozofija I Društvo 31 (2):165-176.
    The philosophical definition of violence today is?incomplete? and leaves a?gap? between the phenomenon and the concept. This is due to the fact that the concept of?violence? was/is strangely included in the general philosophical categorial line. In domestic and Western discourse, the problem field of violence contains, above all, political and ethical meanings. The problem is intuitively resolved in its appeal to the concept of?power?, which turns out to be philosophically lost in modern philosophy. Only exceptionally do we find?traces? of this (...)
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  17.  20
    How to analyze the sentence “I thought your yacht was larger than it is”?Evgeny Borisov - 2016 - Epistemology and Philosophy of Science 50 (4):21-31.
    The sentence cited in the title - in what follows, I refer to it as (S) - occurs in a story Russell tells us in On Denoting. It represents the class of sentences containing a comparative predicate applied twice to a single object in the scope of an epistemic verb. The problem with sentences of this type is that the received tools of logical analysis do not allow both to accurately reflect their surface structure and to take into account some (...)
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  18. Idei V. I. Lenina ozari︠a︡i︠u︡t putʹ k kommunizmu.Borisov, Vadim Nikolaevich & [From Old Catalog] (eds.) - 1970
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  19. Mesto cheloveka v teorii poznanii︠a︡ materialisticheskoĭ filosofii novogo vremeni, XVII v.I. I. Borisov - 1992 - Voronezh ;: Izd-vo Voronezhskogo universiteta.
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  20. Metodologicheskie problemy nauki i kulʹtury: mezhvuzovskiĭ sbornik.V. N. Borisov (ed.) - 1980 - Kuĭbyshev: Kuĭbyshevskiĭ gos. universitet.
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  21. Metodologicheskie problemy razvitii︠a︡ nauki i kulʹtury.Vadim Nikolaevich Borisov (ed.) - 1976
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    Osnovni znanii︠a︡ za vŭtreshnodŭrzhavno pravo i mezhdunarodno pravo i ti︠a︡khnoto praktichesko prilozhenie: (za pridobivane na pravna kultura ot ne i︠u︡risti).Orlin Borisov - 2022 - Sofii︠a︡: Nova Zvezda. Edited by Atanas Orlinov Borisov.
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  23. Problemy dialektiki nauchnogo poznanii︠a︡: mezhvuzovskiĭ sbornik.V. N. Borisov (ed.) - 1986 - Kuĭbyshev: Kuĭbyshevskiĭ gos. universitet.
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    Problemy metodologii: sbornik nauchnykh stateĭ, posvi︠a︡shchennykh pami︠a︡ti professora V.N. Borisova.V. N. Borisov (ed.) - 1999 - Samara: Samarskiĭ gos. universitet.
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    Problems of implementing the import substitution policy in the context of ensuring the food security of the state.Oleg Yurievich Borisov, Nataliya Nikolaevna Krizhevskaya & Ruslan Konstantinovich Lavrichenko - 2021 - Kant 39 (2):26-30.
    The purpose of the study is to analyze the processes of implementing the import substitution policy, based on the use of techniques and methods of influencing participants in market relations used by public authorities, which make it possible to identify its strengths and weaknesses and build the author's vision of directions for its stabilization. The authors focus on the prevailing opinion on the phased implementation of the import substitution policy, as well as on its application as a retaliatory measure to (...)
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  26. Problemy refleksii v nauchnom poznanii: mezhvuzovskiĭ sbornik.V. N. Borisov (ed.) - 1983 - Kuĭbyshev: Kuĭbyshevskiĭ gos. universitet.
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    Quine’s Problem is Coming Back.Evgeny V. Borisov - 2018 - Epistemology and Philosophy of Science 55 (4):58-61.
    In ‘Quantifiers and Propositional Attitudes’ (1956), Quine demonstrated that the naïve model-theoretic formalization of belief ascriptions de re, applied to cases of recognition failure, produces two unwelcome effects: 1) the seeming inconsistency of belief systems ascribed to rational agents, and 2) the contradictoriness of some (apparently well justified) belief reports. In the paper under discussion, Domanov claims that proof-theoretical formalization of belief ascriptions, based on the constructive type theory, precludes those effects. I challenge this claim by showing that the formalism (...)
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    Selenii︠a︡ta na t︠s︡ŭrkovnata muzika.Ivaĭlo Ginchov Borisov - 2019 - Sofii︠a︡: Omofor.
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  29. Urovni logicheskogo prot︠s︡essa i osnovnye napravlenii︠a︡ ikh issledovanii︠a︡.Vadim Nikolaevich Borisov & M. A. Rozov - 1967 - Izd-Vo "Nauka", Sibirskoe Otd-Nie.
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  30. (2 other versions)Ėstetika Vozrozhdenii︠a︡.Aleksei Fedorovich Losev - 1978 - Moskva: Myslʹ.
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  31. The Dialectics of Myth.Aleksei Losev - 2001 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 40 (3):4-29.
    Only now can we consider that the question of genuine mythical detachment has been fully clarified. We remember how difficult it was to find the true root of this detachment. We compared mythical detachment with general material detachment and poetic detachment but could not find a satisfactory answer anywhere. All the time we have faced a difficult task: to synthesize the sensuousness, extreme con-creteness, and purely material corporeality of myth with its otherworldly, fabulous, and generally acknowledged "unreal" character. After many (...)
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  32. Mif, chislo, sushchnostʹ.Aleksei Fedorovich Losev, A. A. Takho-Godi & I. I. Makhan kov - 1994 - Moskva: Izd-vo "Myslʹ". Edited by A. A. Takho-Godi & I. I. Makhanʹkov.
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    Some aspects of F. Brentano's ontology and its influence on the philosophy of M. Heidegger.Aleksei Mikhailovich Gaginskii - forthcoming - Philosophy and Culture (Russian Journal).
    The article examines some aspects of Brentano's ontology, starting with his 1862 dissertation "On the ambiguity of Being according to Aristotle", as well as its influence on the philosophy of M. Heidegger. The author shows that the ontology of the early Brentano is not limited to ousiology, since it includes a discussion of the field of mental being (ens rationis, ὂν ὡς ἀληθές) and it is in this aspect that he influences the young Heidegger. Following Aristotle, Brentano assigns a central (...)
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    Gustav Shpet's Phenomenological Innovations in Light of Genetic Phenomenology.Aleksei E. Savin - 2016 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 54 (1):35-47.
    This article examines the innovations introduced to phenomenological philosophy by the Russian philosopher Gustav Gustavovich Shpet. We identify the motifs and results of Shpet's problematization of the Husserlian concept of constitution, and we develop Shpet's treatment of the source of semantic genesis as a generative experience.
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    Four Theses About Qualia and Matter: From Quality to Structure, from Structure to Functions.Aleksandr Vladimirovich Zhuravlev - 2017 - International Journal of Philosophy 5 (3):23.
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    Metaphysics of Classical and Nonclassical Kinds of Social Realities.Shelud’ko Grigoriy Vladimirovich - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 15:333-336.
    The metaphysics of a social reality assumes definition ontology various plans of its realization as sorts of attitude to kinds. The last ones represent phenomena of a social reality - as classical and nonclassical. The economy, morals, religion, the right concern to classical kinds of a social reality. Attributes of a sociality of the given kinds: activity, attitudes, forms of social consciousness. A nonclassical kinds given attributes yet "do not possess" to the full. Their metaphysics is defined through parity with (...)
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    Dialektika khudozhestvennoĭ formy.Aleksei Fedorovich Losev - 1927 - Moskva: Akademicheskiĭ proekt.
    Четвертая работа из знаменитого восьмикнижия Лосева "Диалектика художественной формы", представляет собой изложение эстетической теории, созданной автором с "привлечением диалектического метода".
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    Znak, simvol, mif: trudy po i︠a︡zykoznanii︠u︡.Aleksei Fedorovich Losev - 1982 - Moskva: Izd-vo Moskovskogo universiteta.
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    The semiotics of animal freedom.Aleksei Turovski - 2000 - Sign Systems Studies 28:380-386.
    The works, views and ideas of Heini Hediger (1908-1992), one of the most distinguished and influential zoologist of the 20th century, had and still have an enormous impact on contemporary understanding of animal behaviour. His views on territorial, social, etc. aspects of animal behaviour are based on semiotic concepts derived from Umwelt-theory (J. v. Uexküll) and combined with ideas from modern ethology. Hediger's special attention was devoted to the area of animal-man communications; he treated these problematic phenomena as a system (...)
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  40.  18
    Heidegger’s Thesis on ancient Ontology: Being as Production.Aleksei Mikhailovich Gaginskii - forthcoming - Philosophy and Culture (Russian Journal).
    The article deals with Heidegger’s interpretation of antique ontology, in which Being was conceptualized in terms of production. What is this interpretation and why is it so important? Until recently, it has been difficult to answer these questions, since the texts in question have only in recent years become publicly available, and therefore have not yet been fully absorbed in Heideggerian-studies. Consequently, even the very useful works that cover the subject of production-theme in Heidegger focus more on the question of (...)
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    Violence and the Sacred as the Topos of 20st-21st Century French Thought.Aleksei Zygmont - 2023 - Sociology of Power 34 (3-4):8-28.
    The article considers the conceptual pair of violence and the sacred as a commonplace ("topos”) of French scientific, philosophical, and religious thought of the 20th-21th centuries and explains why this pair was so relevant and attracted many dissimilar thinkers. Six authors are taken as the main examples: G. Bataille, R. Caillois, R. Girard, E. Levinas, M. Eliade, and J. Kristeva. For analytic purposes, the author identifies three "common factors” that unite them. Firstly, the influence of the French sociological school (Durkheim, (...)
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    Filosofsʹki vymiry suchasnoï sot︠s︡ialʹnoï realʹnosti: monohrafii︠a︡.Ihor Sydorovych Alekseĭchuk (ed.) - 2013 - Donet︠s︡ʹk: Donet︠s︡ʹkyĭ nat︠s︡ionalʹnyĭ universytet.
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    Pryroda dukhovnosti: monohrafii︠a︡.Alla Petrivna Aleksei︠e︡nko - 2004 - Kharkiv: "Fakt".
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  44. Angliĭskai︠a︡ burzhuaznai︠a︡ filosofii︠a︡ dvadt︠s︡atogo veka.Aleksei Sergeevich Bogomolov - 1973 - "Mysl'".
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  45. Anglo-amerikanskai︠a︡ burzhuaznai︠a︡ filosofii︠a︡ ėpokhi imperializma.Aleksei Sergeevich Bogomolov - 1964 - Moskva,: Myslʹ.
  46. Burzhuaznai︠a︡ filosofii︠a︡ SShA dvadt︠s︡atogo veka.Aleksei Sergeevich Bogomolov - 1974 - Mysl.
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  47. Kritika sovremennoĭ burzhuaznoĭ filosofii.Aleksei Sergeevich Bogomolov - 1963 - Gos. Izd-Vo Polit. Lit-Ry.
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  48. Vozniknovenie nauki ob ėlektrichestve v Rossii.Alekseĭ Aleksandrovich Eliseev - 1960
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  49. Metody teorii poli︠a︡ v fizike.Alekseĭ Danilovich Ershov (ed.) - 1969
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  50. Istoricheskiĭ materializm.Alekseĭ Evgenʹevich Furman - 1970
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